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Mentorship Continued

I am also getting into internet marketing, again I do not see this as a quick get rich scheme. It is going to take time to get set up, get your mailing lists, and get your site to the stage where people will look at it.

Online marketing means

  • Making sure that you are right up there in the search results, especially Google
  • Keeping people on your site, and ensuring that they continue to come back
  • Attaining the highest rate of traffic to your website
  • Ensuring that you can make income from the site

I am in the very early stage in internet marketing. I have been trading Forex now for two years, I have become involved in internet marketing for less than a week.

So do I know everything about internet marketing, no way. Do I know much about it, no way.

Am I willing to learn, you bet. Am I in it for the long haul, definitely.

Again I do not believe that you can become involved without professional training. Training, that if you are willing to learn, will help you achieve your dreams.

We are always learning, everyday, even if we do not realise it. What I am looking for, and receiving is targeted training and learning.

We can always improve and get better, and I intend to.

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