Spent Sunday night setting where I believed prices would react. On most of the pairs that I trade it meant a bit of movement before they reached it. Checked on Monday evening and they all still had some movement before I would start looking seriously at them.
Lo and behold the GPBUSD, whilst I was asleep, fell 100 pips and hit my spot exactly and then reversed, and is now 40 odd pips in front. I did not believe that I would need to take forward orders so I missed that one. On the same breath I had a spot for the USDCHF but it went straight through and kept going, so I would have ended up with one winning and one definite loser. Not sure what caused both of them to move, must have been some form of news that caused them to spike.
The US financial situation is definitely not helping the amateur traders like myself, as one little story can make currencies move very quickly, and not necessarily the way that it is expected.
I feel this morning for the people in northern NSW, here in Australia with at least 33 houses lost due to bushfire, which is still not contained. Anyone who has lost a house to fire, which I have, has a real struggle. In some ways it is not the lost house but everything inside it that makes it hard. I spent three days in a dressing gown belonging to the lady across the street, because I had nothing.
Not here to make people feel sorry for myself, just explaining that I know how people feel when these tragedies strike.