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March Post

it has been a month since I have written anything. have been quite busy. The Winner’s Inner Circle I have written about in the past is now up and running. It is a site that anyone and everyone will get benefit from. As I have stated before it is not there so you can make yourself a millionaire. Although all the mentors on there are self made people.  It is there to inspire and help ordinary, everyday people become self sufficient.

It is not there to bleed you dry. It was started to help people like me become self employed and live a comfortable lifestyle. It also has a good forum section there where members can get together and discuss anything that is relevant  whether it be on the site or not.

I am still trading forex. Had a losing month in February, but have set up a spreadsheet to look at areas to trade. By using this method it is enabling me to trade without emotion and so far March has been a winning month for me, so far

Apart from that I have a few other projects up my sleeve that I am slowly working on as well , which will come to fruition in the near future.

I will be writing about these in the coming weeks

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