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Archive for the '2013' Category

March Post

it has been a month since I have written anything. have been quite busy. The Winner’s Inner Circle I have written about in the past is now up and running. It is a site that anyone and everyone will get benefit from. As I have stated before it is not there so you can make yourself a millionaire. […]

Winners Inner Circle

This is my first posting for the month. Have had a couple of trades this month. One winner and one lost, so currently about ten pips down for the month, but am quite happy about that. Am very excited about a new website that will go online at the end of this month called Winners […]

This Week

Have decided to do a new post, although I have not achieved a lot personally at all this week. The Forex markets were very quiet, with very little movement either way, so I did not have a trade at all. Must admit I have been at work and have had quite a hectic week, which […]

Never leave Your Forex Wing Man

I did not write this. This comes from a winning entry from  Rick Clark in the Forex Mentor Pro Christmas competition. I believe that it is very pertinent on Forex Trading as well as life in general. It is a brilliant read and a brilliant learning tool. NEVER LEAVE YOUR WING MAN. It’s all about […]


Spent Sunday night setting where I believed prices would react. On most of the pairs that I trade it meant a bit of movement before they reached it. Checked on Monday evening and they all still had some movement before I would start looking seriously at them. Lo and behold the GPBUSD, whilst I was […]

First Trade Closed

Closed my first trade with a profit of 51 pips. Actually I closed it early as I believed it was reversing. If I had sat on my hands it would have reached my take profit target. It is still a lesson I really need to learn is to allow the trade to run its course. […]

First Trade 2013

Had my first trade for 2013. I shorted GPBUSD at 1.6115. I have decided that I will not trade anything unless I have three definite reasons, and with this one it was stopping at the 76.4 daily fib, also 200 4hr EMA and the 21 4hr EMA. At the time of writing I am 5 […]

Time Off

Did not do anything to the blog or look at currency charts over the weekend. On Saturday went to the Red Hot Summer Tour which was headlined by a very famous Australian singer Jimmy Barnes. Was an incredible day with five bands playing.  It was hot 42.3 degrees Celsius, or 108 Fahrenheit. Sunday was spent […]

This is my First Blog Post

Hi Everyone, this is my first blog post