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Archive for the '2014' Category


Have not had a trade in quite some time. That is not to say that things are not happening. Am in the process of moving house. Going from the mountains to the sea. A 750km move from the south of New South wales to the north coast, namely Port Macquarie. Have been so intent in […]

May Update

Again it is a couple of months between updates. As you get older time speeds up. Have been trading at a slower rate than I would have liked. Have been implementing quite a refinement to my trading strategy. This is a change that I feel very confident about. It is all based on the ATR […]

Blow Your Account In 5 Easy Steps!!

Taken from Marc Walton at Forex Mentor Pro ( If you are serious about forex trading you need to be a member of this site. There is no crap, no hard sell, just good honest advice, training and members who are willing to help others. Addiction/Obsession:  Yes trading can be oh so exciting!!  I still love […]

2014 Has now started

I am finding it difficult to find the time to keep writing, but I must, if not just for my self. have worked very hard on the “No Emotion Spreadsheet”. Over the last six months, although I have not been prolific in my trading the results have been positive. I have had probably 30 trades […]