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Drugs and Human Behavior: Biopsychosocial Aspects of Psychotropic Substances Use SpringerLink

All these areas contribute to the Psychological Dimension and what motivates the reward system. Every learned action, whether pro-social or anti-social, may be prompted by social conditions such as a lack of resources, conflict, social norms, peer pressure, an underlying drive (e.g., hunger, sex, craving), or a combination of these factors (Bunge 1997). Addiction-related behaviours affect the health of both individuals and communities, either protectively or harmfully.

a biopsychosocial approach to substance abuse

Biopsychosocial Model & Substance Abuse Treatment

In Norway, such treatment is provided in both local-community and specialised healthcare facilities, including short-term and long-term inpatient and outpatient treatment. Understanding SUD is crucial because it affects legal regulations, support and treatment services, and the attitudes of both service providers and the public regarding people with SUD. TC effectiveness is typically assessed by rates of abstinence from drugs or alcohol, or various measures that indicate a substantial reduction (e.g., 50%) in use and related harm. However, there is an increasing focus on reporting psychosocial outcomes, consistent with TC philosophy [7,8,9], although most reviews tend to focus on substance use outcomes only. Systematic reviews of TC outcomes have generally found support for their effectiveness across a wide range of populations and contexts [10,11].

  • For example, the majority of residents were not in a relationship, were unemployed, and had not completed high school.
  • The contemporary model, adapted for addiction, reflects an interactive dynamic for understanding substance use problems specifically and addressing the complexity of addiction-related issues.
  • Importantly, the study provides strong evidence of very positive and sustained outcomes, across two TCs, supporting a diverse application of the TC model.

A revitalized biopsychosocial model: core theory, research paradigms, and clinical implications

a biopsychosocial approach to substance abuse

Substantial effort by investigators to follow up with participants contributed to the low attrition rates. Consequently, the findings reported can be viewed with confidence and are likely to generalise to the TCs within Australia and beyond. Importantly, the study provides strong evidence of very positive and sustained outcomes, across two TCs, supporting a diverse application of the TC model. The trial also sought to determine various biopsychosocial outcomes, extending beyond the commonly investigated substance use and dependence indicators. While a positive association between LOS and clinical improvements has been found in previous studies [17], results have often been limited by potential response bias due to high attrition rates [6,9].

Substance misuse, dependence, and/or abuse factors

Notably, however, such acknowledgments rarely seem to lead to the conclusion that the ailments in question are not medical diseases, or that they should be relinquished to other epistemic communities for primary study and treatment. Instead, from Engel on, discussions of the “complex” nature of human suffering have shown a remarkable tendency to collapse back into the language of “medical disease.” This framing has important consequences. It tends to perpetuate a focus on biological factors (see, especially the discussion of alcoholism in the Appendix) and edge out existential, spiritual, philosophical, depth psychological, and other nonmedical approaches to suffering (Ghaemi 2011). In their article, Slade et al. explain how researchers went about the OPPERA study and describe some of its key findings.

a biopsychosocial approach to substance abuse

a biopsychosocial approach to substance abuse

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