Winners Inner Circle
This is my first posting for the month. Have had a couple of trades this month. One winner and one lost, so currently about ten pips down for the month, but am quite happy about that.
Am very excited about a new website that will go online at the end of this month called Winners Inner Circle. It’s address will be
It will not be a get rich in five minutes type of webpage. The long term goal of the Winners Inner Circle is to help you create residual, multiple income streams.
It will show you how to acquire new skills and how to make more money now AND build businesses to create future income streams.
There is no magical “one size fits all” scenario. People are different. Have different tastes, likes, wants, budgets, times and things they wish to achieve. There will be mentors on the site from backgrounds as diverse as corporate training, psychology, internet marketing, software development, finance, food, property, precious metals, writing, futures and forex trading. The one thing they all have in common? A website.
The site is NOT just about websites. If you have zero interest in websites then you still have the opportunity to discover the mindset & strategies that the mentors will use to make substantial incomes now and that will continue in the future. Every month one of the mentors will showcase his business strategy, explain what he or she does and give you the opportunity to choose whether its for you or not.
As I said it is out to promote a marathon and not a 100 metre sprint, but will well worth having a look at because there will be some fantastic ideas and concepts in it.
And lets face it, if you had the choice would you prefer to work for someone else or put the effort in and work for yourself